Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education. The project is co-funded by the European Union.
Project duration: 15.11.2020 – 14.11.2024.
EU funding instrument: European Neighbourhood Instrument (Erasmus+: КА2 CBHE)
Wider objective: to integrate international students into Ukrainian and European educational space by the means of cultural, ethnic, social and academic assets.
- to develop and implement Roadmap, that includes all aspects of international students integration and adaptation;
- to improve quality of training and administrative services to international students, assure informational support of international students;
- to upgrade qualifications of administrative and academic staff;
- to create tolerant multicultural international environment at Ukrainian HEIs;
- to promote the values of cultural diversity in Ukrainian society.
Expected results:
- comfortable and high-quality study and accommodation of international students and stakeholders involved in the project;
- trained HEI’s academic and administrative staff;
- increased quality of training and administrative services;
- created more favorable environment for international students.
Project activities:
- Learning of the EU experience to implement best practices at Ukrainian HEIs.
- Analysis of the university activity for the upgrading.
- Development of internationalization capacity.
- Modernization of administrative procedures.
- Development of a calendar plan of the network scientific and cultural events.
- Development and implementation of Roadmap of international students integration and adaptation.
- Development and piloting of the course for adaptation of international students.
- Modernization of University infrastructure. Creating a coworking zone.
- Translation of information materials.
- Adaptation of training programs for international students.
- Training and mobility activities.
- Quality management. Dissemination and exploitation.
- Project management.
Target groups:
- International students,
- Ukrainian students,
- Staff of International Offices,
- Administrative staff of HEIs,
- Academic staff of HEIs.
Project Coordinator:
Netherlands Business Academy, the Netherlands.
Foggia University, Italy;
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden, Germany;
Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania;
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine;
Odessa National Politechnical University, Ukraine;
Mariupol State University, Ukraine;
Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine;
V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine;
Ivan Franko National University, Ukraine;
Hultgren Nachhaltigkeitsberatung UG, Germany.
NUWEE project team:
Nataliia SAVINA - Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, NUWEE Coordinator;
Alla KUCHEROVA - Head of the Grant activity Department;
Igor TYMOSHCHUK – Head of the Centre for International Cooperation and Education;
Halyna VLASIUK - International Cooperation Officer, Centre for International Cooperation and Education;
Leonid BADYNSKYI – Head of International Office of the Centre for International Cooperation and Education;
Dmytro NIKYTENKO– Head of the Department of International Education and Migration Affairs of Centre for International Cooperation and Education;
Yelyzaveta MYKHAILOVA - Head of Preparatory Department for International Students of the Centre for International Cooperation and Education;
Vladyslav SOLODKYI - Head of the Department for International Students Affairs;
Andrii PODLEVSKYI - Associate Professor of Finance and Economic Security, Scientific Secretary;
Svitlana LYSIUK - the Department of International Education and Migration Affairs of Centre for International Cooperation and Education;
Yuliana KRASOVSKA - Associate Professor of Business Economics and International Business;
Oksana PODLEVSKA - Associate Professor of Business Economics and International Business.
Integration events
Dissemination Event of the INTERADIS Project 2024
Photo exhibition 2024
Fordham University Summer School at NUWEE 2024
The End of O!Week!2024
Mental Health in NUWEE 2024
With Ukraine in the heart Photo Exhibition in NUWEE 2024
Dream Week 2024
«O!Week!» 2024Vyshyvanka Day 2024
Round table for Europe Day 2024
Open Day for students and international applicants 2024Project "NUWEE Guide" with the participation of Buddy Program Ambassadors 2024
Golden autumn 2023
Zero Week 2023
Open Day in NUWEE 2023
Rivne for everyone 2023
Karolina Kahramanian- Beauty of Invincibility of the NUWEE 2023
Vyshyvanka 2023
International students have successfully completed their studies 2023
Concert for the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 2022
Celebration of Student’s Day 2022
Career Days 2022
Golden Autumn 2022
O!Week 2022
Dedication to Students 2022
Vyshyvanka Day 2022
Activities within the framework of the ERASMUS+CBHE project "Integration and Adaptation of Foreign Students" 2021-2024
Coworking centre
Activities in the coworking «InterHub»
Presentation of the INTERADIS Project Results at the Coworking Center
On June 1, 2022, the results of the internal monitoring of the Erasmus KA2 Capacity-building project “INTERADIS/Integration and Adaptation of International Students” were presented.
The project working group, university administration and international students shared their impressions of using the developments and improved administrative services at NUWEE.
For more information, follow the link and watch the video on the YouTube channel.
International Students Successfully Graduated
Our graduates from various countries have successfully completed their studies, demonstrating motivation and resilience. Their achievements will serve as an inspiration to other students facing challenges and obstacles, proving that nothing can stop the desire to receive a quality education. The meeting took place at the "InterHub" coworking center.
For more information, follow the link.
Language and Cross-Cultural Courses and Trainings
Workshop on Cross-Cultural Communication for Academic and Administrative Staff at NUWEE under the INTERADIS project 2024
Path to Professional Growth 2024

"All our memories are not just days that have passed, but those that are remembered the most. Therefore, one must do everything possible so that every day gives only new and positive experiences."
Contact information: savchuk.z_em21@nuwm.edu.ua

"Don't be afraid to ask if you have some problem - I’m happy to help, we can solve it together.
Contact information: tarara_em22@nuwm.edu.ua

"Such greatness deserves to be shared"
Institute of Energy, Automation and Water Engineering

"I believe in taking every chance to learn and make a positive impact"

Centre for International Cooperation and Education
E-mail: smv@nuwm.edu.ua
Address: 33028, 11 Soborna street, Rivne, Academic Building 1, №101.
Phone/fax: 38 (0362) 63-34-45.
Department of International Cooperation and Migration Issues
E-mail: icec@nuwm.edu.ua
Address: 75 O.Novaka, Academic Building 2, №231.
International Students Preparatory Department
E-mail: dep.oef@nuwm.edu.ua
Address: 75 O.Novaka street, Academic Building 2, №225.
Radio Rivne UA:
Course Syllabus
Repository of Courses
"Education without borders"
Education without borders has been implemented in the framework of the project INTERADIS. The project “Education without borders” was launched for international students and refugees. During four month 250 students attended 480 hours of interdisciplinary courses. The project has four main directions:
1. Interactive creative activities for children
Incredibly interesting and educational classes were held for Ukrainian and foreign children who have been forced to leave their homes because of the war. More than 25 children from Ukraine, Mexico, Portugal, Italyand Spain joined interactive online classes three times a week, where they could find out more about our city Rivne and the Rivne region, they also made mini applications and origami, went to the virtual zoo, played on the virtual playground, and even watched movies. English language classes were held for our youngest students as well. There we focused on reading, understanding and speaking.
2. Online language courses (Ukrainian, English, German, French, Turkish)
More than 300 hours of practical classes of Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, French, German and Turkish) were held for international students and refugees. The courses not only enhance linguistic proficiency but also instil global citizenship, cross-cultural competence, and ethical considerations. The emphasis on cultural dissemination ensures that students gain insights into diverse cultures, promoting mutual respect and understanding within the learning community.
3. Financial Literacy course
Today, when there is almost no cash payments in the modern world, digital financial products and services are becoming more and more widespread throughout society. And we think that to deal with credit cards, mortgages, consumer loans, and even health insurance and self-directed investment accounts was extremely helpful .
This project was very useful not only for refugees and international students, but also for us, as the members of university society. During informational crisis all over the world it helped us to concentrated on the education process, on the communication with other people, on the ways of broadcasting our knowledge to others and through it help them to adapt and integrate in new conditions and even in new society.
4. Preparation to external independent testing
Practical classes of preparation for entrance examinations in English. During trainings and workshops our future students had an opportunity to prepare for the English language entrance. Interactive classes included all aspects of language learning. English Grammar in Use textbook by the Cambridge publishing house was used for effective preparation to the testing.
Courses lecturers: Senior Lecturer Nataliia Vasiutynska, Seniour Lecturers of Preparatory Department for International Students Iryna Mykytyn, Larysa Nagoliuk, Head of the Preparatory Department for IS Yelyzaveta Mykhailova, DSc. (Economics) Prof. Dmytro Nikytenko, DSc. Prof. Svitlana Levytska, DSc. Prof. Olena Antoniuk, International Office Specialists Svitlana Lysiuk, Oksana Romaniuk, Olena Bryzhata, Olena Polishchuk, Mariia Tuz.
For more follow the links:
registration for courses
project start
project implementation
educational activities
"Financial Literacy" course
french language lessons
preparation for entrance examination
german language lessons
interactive and virtual activities
english language lessons
completion of the project NUWEE "Education Without Borders"
Adaptation Course:
The course "Integration and adaptation in Ukraine: first steps" is designed for foreigners who have come to study at the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering. It is located on the Moodle educational platform of NUWEE: https://exam.nuwm.edu.ua/
The main target audience is students of the preparatory department for foreign citizens who are undergoing language training, as well as students of the first year of higher education at the bachelor's and master's level. Applicants of higher education are recommended to choose this course in the first semester of study in the part of optional disciplines. For students of the preparatory department, this course is included in the training plan.
Developers of the course syllabus: Yelyzaveta Mykhailova, Ph.D., head of the preparatory department for foreign citizens, Nikytenko Dmytro, DEcS, professor, professor of the Department of Enterprise Economics and International Business. In accordance with the procedure for approving syllabi at NUWEE, the syllabus for the course "Integration and Adaptation in Ukraine: First Steps" was approved by the Department of Enterprise Economics and International Business, where the largest number of foreign students studied until 2022, by the head of the project group, the Scientific and Methodological Council for Quality of the Institute of Economics and Management and the scientific and methodical council of NUWEE.
The structure of the course provides for 20 hours lectures, 10 hours practical classes and 60 hours independent work.
Online Adaptation Course for International Students "Integration and Adaptation in Ukraine:First Steps"
#Interadis #ErasmusplusCBHE