O! Freshman week

That's the end of the first week of training. It has already become a good tradition to start each school year with "O! Week" is an introductory week for first-year students, full of not only new acquaintances with classmates and teachers, but also a large number of informational, cultural and educational activities, interesting trainings and events.

During this week, the first-year students had a great opportunity to get to know each other better, talk and ask questions to Viktor Moshynskyi, the Rector of the NUWEE. In particular, Viktor Stepanovych presented the university, talked about the advantages of studying there and opportunities for students.

First-year students were interested in which subjects the head of the university teaches, how long he has held the position of Rector, the advantages of enrolling  at NUWEE, his attitude towards smoking, how many international students study at the university, and whether there will be a merger with RSUH, among other questions.

From Oleh Kyryk, the senior lecturer in the Department of Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy, students learned about basic first aid skills, the group of activities it includes, the sequence of providing pre-medical assistance to an injured person, the algorithm for first aid in cases of brief loss of consciousness (fainting), and resuscitation measures in the event of respiratory failure.

Practical psychologists Inna Misko and Olena Skorokhod shared how first-year students can immerse themselves in student life without stress, build connections with classmates and teachers, establish their presence, and manage their internal emotions. Additionally, participants took part in the "Green Hands of Help" training and learned more about the activities of the practical psychology and social work sector.

Vitalii PROKOPETS, the Head of the Public Relations Department, spoke about media at NUWEE. The audience was introduced to all the information resources available at the university and learned how to contribute to the creation of the university’s content, experiencing what it’s like to be a journalist, videographer, or photographer.

Vasyl Panasiuk, the main specialist in civil protection, discussed civil safety, the fund for protective structures for civil defense, the protocol for actions during an "Air Raid Alert," and the procedures to follow when discovering an object resembling an explosive device. 

Viktor Korbutiak, the Head of the Education Quality Department, spoke about leadership in student life, student centrism, personal development, mutual respect, student rights, integrity and types of violations, the consequences, including for teachers, of using artificial intelligence, and the declaration of academic integrity of the NUWEE students.

Vitalii Nazaruk, the Head of IT Centre, also spoke in more detail about the Student tab, the Cabinet tab, authorized resources, rules for using e-mail, online classes via Google Meet, the student's electronic cabinet, the digital repository, the Moodle platform, the Help Desk service and the Virtual Campus.

Vitalii Nazaruk,  the Director of the Information and Computing Centre, discussed digital educational innovations and the key priorities of the center's activities, including the modernization and development of information technologies at the university, electronic document management, IP telephony, information security, the development and technical support of web resources, service resources, software, administration of corporate resources, and technical support for networks. He also elaborated on the "Student" and "Cabinet" tabs, authorization resources, rules for using email, online classes via Google Meet, the student’s electronic cabinet, the digital repository, the Moodle platform, the Help Desk service, and the Virtual Campus.

Vladyslav Solodkyi,  the Director of the Center for International Cooperation and Education, introduced first-year students to NUWEE’s international partner countries, active international programs, virtual academic exchanges, academic mobility, grant programs, ongoing international initiatives, and joint master's programs.

Yuliia Rod, the Head of the Center for Non-Formal Education, discussed the possibility of studying without textbooks and lectures, the activities of the Center, informal and non-formal education, its advantages, and the non-formal education programs available at the university. She also covered online platforms offering free online courses and the recognition of study results obtained outside IHE.

Bohdan Zubrytskyi, the Head of the Department of Physical Education, talked about sports at NUWEE  and the opportunities the department offers for students to engage in their favorite sports or continue previous training. He also noted that a new fencing sports section has been established at the university.

In an interactive session on learning organization and assessment, Fedir Shvets, the Director of the Assessment Center, informed attendees about the center’s activities, its functions and tasks, the advantages of student knowledge evaluation, the Moodle learning platform and its features, how to access it, complete practical assignments, and the assessment system for higher education students, including semester, current, and final evaluations.

Kateryna Pryndiuk, the Director of the Studentship Centre, and Pavlo Shevchuk, the Director of the Partnership Development Center, discussed the “real” student life. First-year students learned about their rights and responsibilities, how student life differs from school life, appropriate behavior in classes, with faculty, and in dormitories, opportunities for named scholarships, leisure activities, student self-governance, and employment options. They also participated in a survey titled “What I Expect from My Studies at NUWEE” and registered for Telegram channels to establish feedback.

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