The round table "Education for Sustainable Development" within the framework of the strategic session "Integration of Sustainable Development Principles into Educational Programs: Experience and Prospects" was held in an online format.
During the event, scientific, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical workers, as well as students analyzed the ways and mechanisms of implementing the principles of sustainable development in the NUWEE, discussed best practices, and got acquainted with the integration of principles in individual educational programs.
In accordance with the requirements of Section V of the Anti-Corruption Program of the NUWEE, the university began implementing a plan - a schedule of training and other measures to disseminate anti-corruption information for 2025.
A mixed-format roundtable discussion “Education for Sustainable Development” was held in the university conference hall.
In accordance with the signed Global Compact with the UN, starting from 2014, every two years, the NUWEE presents the Social Report to the public. And despite the difficult times – the full-scale invasion of russia – the university continues to report to the public.
In early December, the PO "The National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine" summed up and announced the winners of the annual competition for "The Best Edition of 2024", which received recognition among the scientific and educational community (the publication period is from 2022 to 2024 inclusive).
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines of the Institute of Health, urologist Liliia Tryfoniuk received the “Scientist of the Year” award.
The 10th anniversary of the Institute of Law is an event that symbolizes decades of hard work, formation and development.
This path was full of various challenges, but thanks to the support of the university and town leadership, the high professionalism of our lecturers and the diligence of the students, the Institute of Law has become a strong educational institution where the future of the legal community of Ukraine is being formed.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1721 “On approval of decisions of the certification board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine” dated December 10, 2024, the printed scientific periodical of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering “Rehabilitation and Recreation” (chief editor – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ihor Hryhus) is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, category “A”.
On December 3, the opening of the Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) took place at the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering. The university was visited by a delegation of the State Organization "Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovations" headed by Igor Parenchuk, Deputy Director of UNOIPI.
Independent Assessment Centre
Information and Computing Centre
International Cooperation and Education Centre
Non-formal Education Centre
Foreign Language Education Development
Energy Efficiency Centre
Support Centre for Servicemembers Education
Studentship Centre
Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer