In accordance with the requirements of Section V of the Anti-Corruption Program of the NUWEE, the university began implementing a plan - a schedule of training and other measures to disseminate anti-corruption information for 2025.
In particular, on February 11, 2025 the head of the department for the prevention and detection of corruption, Anatolii Zakharets, held a training seminar "System for the prevention and counteraction of corruption in institutions of higher education" with students of the 1st-3rd years of the specialty "Automobile Transport" of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering.
The attendees were provided with information about the activities and powers of the department for the prevention and detection of corruption, methods of communication with its employees, channels for reporting facts of violations of the university's Anti-Corruption Program and the commission of corruption or corruption-related offenses, the legislative definition of the status of a whistleblower and the system for protecting the specified category of applicants. At the same time, methods for searching for relevant information on the official website of the university were clearly demonstrated.
A separate block with students discussed the issues of corruption risks identified at the university, the system of measures to localize them, methods of resolving corruption conflicts and the responsibility of all subjects of the educational process for violations of anti-corruption legislation.
The seminar was traditionally concluded in the "question-answer" format, during which students were primarily interested in the results and effectiveness of the university's anti-corruption activities. Their opinions, visions and comments will be used in planning further measures to ensure the functioning of an effective system of preventing and combating corruption at the NUWEE.
Department of Corruption Prevention and Detection