10th Anniversary of the Institute of Law

The 10th anniversary of the Institute of Law is an event that symbolizes decades of hard work, formation and development.

This path was full of various challenges, but thanks to the support of the university and town leadership, the high professionalism of our lecturers and the diligence of the students, the Institute of Law has become a strong educational institution where the future of the legal community of Ukraine is being formed.

Festive events on this occasion were held on February 11, 2024. The celebrations traditionally began with the performance of the National Anthem of Ukraine and a minute of silence in honor of the fallen heroes.

The event brought together lecturers, students, graduates and honored guests, who together recalled the achievements of the institute and its contribution to the development of legal education.

The participants of the event were welcomed by the rector of NUWEE Viktor Moshynskyi and invited guests: acting mayor of Rivne Viktor Shakyrzian, Metropolitan of Rivne and Ostroh Hilarion, head of the Rivne city organization of the Ukrainian Union of Afghanistan Veterans (Internationalist Soldiers) Serhii Zinych, head of the Rivne City Court Petro Denysiuk, head of the Rivne Region Court of Appeal Oleh Poliukhovych, head of the Sarny District Council Yaroslav Yakovchuk.

During the celebration, there was a solemn awarding of lecturers, students and guests with honorary certificates for significant achievements in scientific and educational activities and commemorative signs of the Institute of Law. A special event was the presentation of medals for sacrifice and love for Ukraine, contribution to the spiritual and educational development of society by Metropolitan of Rivne and Ostroh Hilarion to the leadership of the university and institute.

The Director of the Institute of Law Valerii Tsymbaliuk and the Deputy Director of the Institute of Law Inna Mishchuk expressed their sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to the establishment and development of the institute, emphasizing the importance of joint work, professionalism and dedication to legal education.

10 years is not just a date, but a whole history full of knowledge, achievements and victories. The best proof of the success of the Institute of Law is its graduates - people who today work in the judiciary, law enforcement agencies, advocacy, public administration and business, worthily representing our alma mater, and also confidently stand in defense of the integrity and independence of our Ukraine. Although many of them are now in different parts of Ukraine and the world, they have prepared a special gift - their sincere words of gratitude and congratulations on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Institute of Law in a video message.

At the end of the festive event, a symbolic birthday cake was served, which became the final chord of the celebrations.

This anniversary was not only a festive event, but also an opportunity to sum up and determine further development guidelines.

Another special moment is not only an occasion to remember the past and celebrate achievements, but also a time for spiritual strengthening and blessings for the future.

The symbol of faith, goodness and moral values ​​in our institute will now be the prayer chapel, which we have the honor to consecrate today.

May this chapel become a place of inspiration, spiritual support and unity for everyone who will study and work at our institute.

Thank you all for this wonderful day and invite you to the prayer chapel! Congratulations to everyone on the 10th anniversary of the Institute of Law! Ahead - new achievements.

 Victoriia HRYSHKO,
Department of Special Legal Disciplines


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