Name, Surname Function and rank
Viktor Moshynskyi rector, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor
Valeriy Soroka vice rector for education, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, associate professor
Наталія Савіна vice rector for Research and International Relations, Doctor of Economics, professor
Oleh Lahodniuk vice rector for Student Affairs, PhD in Engineering Science, associate professor
Oleksandr Dmytrenko vice rector for Administrative Service Affairs
Ihor Grygus director of the Institute of Health, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor
Nataliia Kovshun director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Doctor of Economics, professor
Alla Pryshchepa director of the Institute of Agroecology and Land Management, doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor
Ruslan Makarenko director of the Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, PhD in Engineering Science, associate professor
Zinovii Malanchuk director of the Institute of Second Higher Education, Doctor of Engineering, professor
Petro Martyniuk director of the Institute of Automation, Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, Doctor of Engineering, professor
Mykola Marchuk director of Mechanical institute, PhD in Engineering Science, professor
Mykola Khlapuk director of the Institute of Water and Natural Resources Management , Doctor of Engineering, professor
Valerii Tsymbaliuk Director of the Institute of Law, PhD in Law, professor
Ihor Fizyk director of Nadsluchanskyi Institute, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, associate professor
Андрій Алексійчук директор ВСП "Костопільський будівельно-технологічний фаховий коледж НУВГП"
Валентина Антонюк директорка ВСП "Рівненський автотранспортний фаховий коледж НУВГП"
Микола Гончар директор ВСП "Березнівський лісотехнічний фаховий коледж НУВГП"
Віктор Дем'янюк директор ВСП "Рівненський економіко-технологічний фаховий коледж НУВГП"
Микола Яцков директор ВСП "Рівненський технічний фаховий коледж НУВГП", PhD in Engineering Science, старший науковий співробітник
Yaroslav Zubyk сhairman of Trade Union Committee
Volodymyr Shlapak сhairman of Trade Union Committee of students
Anastasia Klimova head of the Licensing and Accreditation Department, Ph.D
Nataliia Kovalchuk head of the Educational and Methodological Department, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, associate professor
Viktor Korbutiak head of the Department of Education Quality, PhD in Engineering Science, associate professor
Микола Марчук начальник планово-фінансового відділу
Maria Matvienko chief accountant
Dmytro Pukha head of Legal Department
Oleksandr Tsal head of HR Department
Ксенія Косюк студентка ННІБА
Галина Ярмоліна студентка ННІЕМ
Iryna Yatskova rector's assistant, secretary of the Rectorate

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