Final Meeting in Dordrecht, the Netherlands

NUWEE Concludes Erasmus+ INTERADIS Project with Key Contributions at Final Meeting in Dordrecht, Netherlands

From October 28 to November 1, 2024, representatives from the NUWEE,  Viktor Moshynskyy, Vladyslav Solodkyy, Dmytro Nikytenko and Yelyzaveta Mykhailova  took part in the final project meeting of the Erasmus+ INTERADIS initiative in Dordrecht, the Netherlands. The INTERADIS project, formally known as the International Students Adaptation and Integration project, has been dedicated to fostering a supportive environment for international students across partner universities, with NUWEE playing a crucial role throughout its duration.

The event, held at the Netherland Business Academy in  Dordrecht, gathered project partners for a week of collaborative presentations, discussions, and planning sessions. NUWEE’s delegation contributed to key sessions, including the presentation of project outcomes, the drafting of the final report, and the discussion on disseminating project results to enhance the integration of international students in European higher education systems. They presented their achievements in improving student adaptation processes and shared strategies that have proven effective in fostering an inclusive academic environment.

One of the highlights of the meeting was the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation, officially solidifying future partnerships among the consortium members. NUWEE’s representatives actively participated in this session, underscoring their commitment to supporting international students beyond the project's conclusion.

During small group discussions and feedback sessions, NUWEE shared insights from its student questionnaire, comparing recent findings with data from 2020 to assess the project's impact on international student satisfaction. This valuable input provided a foundation for future improvements in student services at both NUWEE and partner institutions.

As the meeting concluded, NUWEE’s team engaged in final report documentation and preparation, ensuring the sustainability of the project’s accomplishments. Their participation in the INTERADIS initiative underscores NUWEE’s ongoing commitment to educational inclusivity and its proactive role in the global academic community.

For ref.: The project “International Students Adaptation and Integration/ INTERADIS” (619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) aims to integrate international students into Ukrainian and European educational space by the means of cultural, ethnic, social and academic assets. The Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. 

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