Employees of NUWEE visited the International Festival "International Vechornytsi" 2024

The delegation of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (NUWEE) within the framework of the project INTERADIS attended the International Festival “International Vechornytsi” in Kyiv.

This event, organized by "KROK" University  served as a platform to showcase the cultural diversity and talents of students from various countries.

The first day of the festival began with an official opening and welcome speeches were given by the rector of "KROK" University, Andriy Kuchko, the director of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education "KROK," Andrii Lotariev, the project coordinator of the Erasmus+ National Office in Ukraine, Svitlana Shytikova, and the director of the Ukrainian State Center for International Education, Olena Shapovalova.

The festival continued with a variety of performances, including dance numbers, poetry readings, presentations, and songs. University representatives at the festival were:

  • Lina Cotrobai (Moldova) and Zhang Kaiyue (China) with poems.
  • Dzmitry Lisichyk (Belarus) with a video recording of a poem.
  • Nurlan Samadli (Azerbaijan).

In addition, students from other countries, including China, India, Portugal, Nigeria, Tunisia, and Brazil, showcased their talents.

The second day of the festival was dedicated to excursions and creative workshops.

Employees and international students of NUWEE participated in a tour of "KROK" University and also attended various master classes, where they had the opportunity to engage in creative and educational activities. The day concluded with an optional excursion organized by ESN Kyiv, which gave participants the chance to explore the cultural and historical landmarks of Kyiv.

The NUWEE employees noted the high level of organization of the event and the interesting and rich program. They expressed their gratitude to the festival organizers for the opportunity to participate in such an important cultural event, which promotes the strengthening of international ties and the exchange of experiences between universities. 

The international festival "International Vechornytsi" was an excellent opportunity to establish new contacts, exchange ideas and cultural values, and gain inspiration for new achievements in the field of education and science.

For ref.: The project “International Students Adaptation and Integration/ INTERADIS” (619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) aims to integrate international students into Ukrainian and European educational space by the means of cultural, ethnic, social and academic assets. The Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.


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