Study Visit in UNIFG, Italy

On September 2-3, 2023, a meeting of the coordinators of the Erasmus+ project "Integration and adaptation of foreign students/INTERADIS" took place

Organized by the University of Foggia, Italy. During this meeting, each manager presented a presentation on the achieved results, as well as discussed future plans for the successful implementation of the project.

On September 4-6, 2023, the university held educational trainings for INTERADIS project teams. Representatives of the Department of International Relations were present on behalf of NUWEE. During these trainings, the participants considered the importance of developing and maintaining various communication channels for attracting foreign students, discussed the changes that occurred due to the war in Ukraine regarding the process of attracting foreign students, as well as the challenges that arise and alternative ways to solve them.

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При використанні матеріалів - посилання на сайт  обов'язкове

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