INTERADIS Student Mobility to MRU

Study visit to Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania within the framework of Erasmus+ project “INTERADIS/ International Students Adaptation and Integration” (619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

We’ll remind you impressions of the NUWEE Buddy Program members participation at Experiential Practice on International Student Integration at Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania that was held from August 28th to September 11th, 2023 within "International Students Adaptation and Integration/INTERADIS" project. The students were engaged in activities such as the MRU introductory week for incoming exchange students and the Welcome and Introductory Days 2023 for all new students. They had the opportunity to interact with incoming exchange and international MRU students during these events, and they also joined the celebration on September 1st at MRU. Moreover, they explored Trakai and visited the Lithuanian Parliament, which added depth totheir experience.

Viktoriia Mishchuk, who supports international and exchange students of the economic majors, mentioned that „The Erasmus+ exchange program in Lithuania gave us students the opportunity to deepen our knowledge and cultural experience. During the exchange, we gained unforgettable impressions from communicating with international students, of course, improved our English language skills and understood the diversity of approaches to integrating and adapting newcomers. We received a lot of information about the life of an ordinary student with the Erasmus+ program as well”. 

„During these two weeks, we had an incredible opportunity to get acquainted with the educational process at Mykolas Romeris University, which presented its introductory program similar to our „ O! Week”. This university is one of the best law universities in Europe and is ranked in the top 250 in the world. In addition to the workshops and training program, we were also hosted by representatives of the university administration and student organizations. However, one of the main goals of our exchange was to achieve cross-cultural experince communicating with international students from Italy, Japan, Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic and many others. This broadened our horizons and gave us the opportunity to deepen our understanding of other cultures. One of the highlights was a trip to Trakai, where we enjoyed a picturesque lake and incredible castles. At the end of our internship, we were divided into groups and had to present a project in which we expressed our impressions of the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius, and the overall experience of the international students integration and adaptation activities. We created a short video in which we noted the advantages and disadvantages of the introductory week and shared with the university management what we liked the most. This exchange was an incredible experience that will stay with me forever. 🌍📚🌏” - shared his impressions Oleksandr Cherniuk, Buddy member, student of Computer Sciences.

For ref.: The project “International Students Adaptation and Integration/ INTERADIS” (619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) aims to integrate international students into Ukrainian and European educational space by the means of cultural, ethnic, social and academic assets. The Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.


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