Cooperation within the INTERADIS project

From October 11 to 15, 2021, the delegation of NUWEE consisting of Nikitenko D., Podlevsky A., Podlevska O. and Krasovska Y. went to the University of Mykola Romeris (Vilnius, Lithuania) within the grant INTERADIS “Integration and adaptation of foreign students”.

During their stay, our delegation listened to the presentation of the National Agency on "Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions in the International Dimension Erasmus + Opportunities for Ukrainian-European Partners", got acquainted with the work, structure and staff of Mykola Romeris University's International Relations Department and the Center for Educational Affairs who are responsible for the integration of international students.

Our delegation had the opportunity to see the benefits of the Lithuanian University campus, visit the library, lecture and training rooms, distance learning classes.

In addition to lecture meetings, our delegates actively work in group workshops, which allows them to learn from the experience of representatives of other universities, and to sharecommon  achievements. We hope for further promising cooperation.

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