Monitoring of the state of implementation of the INTERADIS project

On October 3-6, 2021, a preventive monitoring of the implementation of the International Students Adaptation and Integration / INTERADIS project.

The event was attended by the head of the Department for International Students Affairs Vladyslav SOLODKYI. The team of experts of the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine, consisting of Zhanna TALANOVA, expert on analytical issues, coordinator of the National Team of Experts on Higher Education Reform, Kateryna ZHDANOVA, expert on communications and mobility programs, registration of the organization's profile, and Petro KRAYNIK, expert in the field Monet, on the registration of MTD projects, monitored the project implementation.

The monitoring consisted of several sessions. Both the management of Ukrainian partners and participants of project groups took part in the event.

Participants of the Coordinating Committee of the INTERADIS project were hospitably received by Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.

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При використанні матеріалів - посилання на сайт  обов'язкове

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