Best practices of University of Foggia in adaptation of international students within the framework of “INTERADIS” project

On April 28, 2021 online Study Visit organized by University of Foggia (Italy) was held within the framework of project “INTERADIS /International Students Adaptation and Integration”.

The NUWEE project team during this visit was represented by the staff of the Centre for International Cooperation and Education and Grant Project Department.

The Study Visit was focused on the following topics:

  • “The COVID-19 pandemic and the university system: new challenges and new opportunities for the development and internationalization of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions”, presented by prof. Stefano Netti.
  • “International students and disability: ensuring accessibility to the Ukrainian higher education system”, presented by prof. Edagardo Sica.
  • “Smoothing students’ culture gap: enhancing mutual understanding and relationship when studying in Ukraine”, presented by prof. Domenico Viti.
  • “Working experience at UniFG International Office within Erasmus+ program” presented by PhD Olesia Benchak from Uzhhorod National University.
  • “Strategies to attract international students. Sharing best practices of University of Foggia in adaptation of international students”, presented by Giulio Esposito.

Many thanks to University of Foggia for the fruitful study visit and sharing best practices of international students integration!

For ref.: The project “International Students Adaptation and Integration/ INTERADIS” (619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) aims to integrate international students into Ukrainian and European educational space by the means of cultural, ethnic, social and academic assets. The Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

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