Online studying within the “INTERADIS” project continues

On April 14, 2021 the second online study visit to Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) within the Erasmus + project “International Students Adaptation and Integration / INTERADIS” was held.


The training was devoted to the issues of International students admission and integration practices in Mykolas Romeris University and gathered more than 57 participants from Ukrainian, German, Italian, Lithuanian and Netherland Universities. NUWEE was represented by the Centre for International Cooperation and Education.

During the study visit all the participants had the possibility to get acquainted with:

  • MRU International Office, Admission and Marketing Office and Career Office profile;
  • Recruitment strategies and marketing tools, namely, previous successes and failures;
  • Pre-arrival preparation and guidance services to admitted international students (step-by-step experience);
  • After arrival integration of international students: introductory week, orientation, student mentors (or student ambassador’s) activities, socio-cultural integration, mid-term follow-up, counselling and related services during entire study period;
  • Pre-departure meetings, pre-graduation orientation including career guidance (graduate traineeships, TRP for graduates to seek employment )

After each of the programme subtopic there was a Q&A session. And at the end of the meeting exchange student and international degree students presented their expectations, integration experience and impressions.

Many thanks to the host University - Mykolas Romeris University - for the saturated and fruitful event!

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При використанні матеріалів - посилання на сайт  обов'язкове

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