Welcome week for the NUWEE newcomers „О! Week!”

Traditionally, at the beginning of the new academic semester and studying process for the NUWEE newcomers the „O! Week” was held. This is a week during which students get useful and practical information about the University, studying and research process and get acquaintance with all structural university units and students organizations, sport activity, etc.



 Here are some impressions of our new students: At O! Week we had many interesting and exciting meetings. The lectures I enjoyed the most were: „The hard life of a student”, „Non-formal education”. „International mobility programs and international cooperation opportunities”, a meeting with Rector and „NUWEE Media” – Angelina Chernobay.

„I am grateful to the NUWEE for the O! Week”, which helped me easily to adapt to the university. Each group was assigned student curators /Buddies, senior students who helped us with everything”- said Zhang Kaiyue, our newcomer from China.

Dear students, you have now become a full-fledged member of our student community and we’d like to aqiup you with some tips about Rivne, what can you do here in your free time, what opportunities does Rivne offer you for self-development.

The city of Rivne or as it calls sometimes the city of three gates, has about 250 thousand inhabitants. It is a deeply historical place, full of numerous natural, architectural, cultural and unique monuments that have no analogues in other regions. It also has an attractive ethnographic base for rural tourism. By the way, the logo of Rivne was designed by the NUWEE graduates Andrii Tsios and Nastia Khmara.

The city has many attractions: parks, modern recreation areas, and restaurants that are as good as many in the capital. In particular, you can visit the Taras Shevchenko City Park of Culture and Recreation, the hydro park, the park on Hrabnyk, the Rivne Zoo, the Rivne Regional Academic Music and Drama Theater, the House of Organ Music in the neo-Gothic former church of St. Anthony, a number of museums, the Ukraine Cinema Palace, or the Regional Universal Scientific Library. And there are many other beauties in different districts of the regional center. These include the Park of Forgotten Figures on the outskirts of the village of Derazhne in Kostopil district, the Tunnel of Love in Klevan, the Basalt Pillars Nature Reserve, the Tarakaniv Fort in Dubenky district, the Bilivski Hills - or Rivne Iceland, the Forest Museum, the Nadsluchanska Switzerland landscape park, the narrow-gauge railway in Polissia.

Cyclists can travel to the Dermansko-Ostroh National Nature Park. Along the route, the adventurer will get acquainted with 11 objects, which include: settlements with a rich history, historical and cultural monuments, typical and unique natural objects.

You can also visit the following interesting places: Mosty village (a complex of water mill premises of the mid-19th century, built on the Zbytynka River - the mill was powered by water until the 70s of the last century, and later by an electric drive); the Dzherelo Rynva natural monument, a picturesque spring that flows from under an ancient sycamore tree; „Peklo” tract - a narrow valley between elongated hills about 1800 meters long; Batkivtsi village - a green manor house „Ukrainian House” is located there; Ilyashivka village - a natural monument „Century-old linden trees in the „Barnya tract”; Novomalynskyi castle of the XV century. The colony of the coastal swallow; the village of Bushcha - here you can see three geomorphological structures: Volyn Upland, Podil Upland, and Small Polissia. In the village there is a historical and architectural monument - St. Michael's Church (wooden) of 1858; the settlement in the village of Buderazh - consists of three monuments of the Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Kyivan Rus, etc.


Wishing You exciting and fruitful academic journey in NUWEE and Rivne!


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При використанні матеріалів - посилання на сайт  обов'язкове

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2025 Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування