Visit of foreign students to UA: Rivne2021

On October 27, 2021, international students from the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (NUWEE) visited Ukrainian Radio Rivne, UA: Rivne.

The visit was organized as part of the INTERADIS grant project "Integration and Adaptation of International Students." The delegation was led by the head of the International Citizens Department, V. Solodky, and included leading specialists O. Poliashchuk and O. Brizhata.

This event was dedicated to Ukrainian Writing and Language Day, which is celebrated annually in Ukraine on November 9. The Ukrainian Radio Rivne team joined the Special Project of Suspilne "Ukrainian — Freely," which airs daily until this date. The project featured audio stories about people who have learned Ukrainian as a foreign language.

Students from various countries, including Turkmenistan, Libya, Morocco, Ghana, and Ecuador, shared their experiences of learning Ukrainian. On the airwaves of UA: Rivne at 87.8 FM, you can find out about their challenges in achieving their goal, how they use the language in daily life, and whether they plan to continue improving their language skills.


Victoria SVIRIPA,

International Office

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