USAID Harvest project manager visit

On 26.07.2024, Jeffrey Fredericks, infrastructure manager of the "Harvest" project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) visited NUWEE on a working visit.

The United States Agency for International Development USAID is implementing the new USAID Harvest program, which will help mitigate the impact of the russian war on agricultural production in Ukraine and accelerate Ukraine's economic recovery. The Harvest program will become one of the elements of the unique "Agricultural Sustainability Initiative in Ukraine" (AGRI-Ukraine) created by USAID. Starting from July 2022, USAID has invested more than $350 million in resources, and has attracted more than $370 million from private partners and other donors – offering a model of effective cooperation with private business. AGRI-Ukraine support already covers more than 32% of agricultural producers registered in Ukraine, who receive seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products, opportunities for crop storage, access to financial resources and other services. This helped more than 14,000 Ukrainian farmers harvest the 2022 and 2023 harvests and carry out the 2024 sowing.

This meeting was devoted to the prospects of restoring reclamation systems in Ukraine with the help of the USAID "Harvest" program and the participation of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering in this process.

The rector of NUWEE, prof. Viktor Moshynskyi, director of the Institute of Energy, Automation and Water Engineering prof. Andrii Safonyk, prof. of Water Engineering and Water Technologies Department Vasyl Stashuk and others.

Ms. Anna Karmazanovska helped with the translation.

Serhii KLIMOV,
Department of Hydroinformatics

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