Management of higher education institutions during the war

For two days on March 26 and 27 at the Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko hosted the Second Annual Forum of the Alliance of Ukrainian Universities: "Management of Higher Education Institutions in Wartime".

A year ago, at the first such Forum, our university, together with five other institutions, announced the creation of the Alliance of Ukrainian Universities, and also promised to make the event an annual event. And so it happened.

This year, the program included 3 panel discussions in which experts from universities and the business world participated. They talked about what the HR service should look like in universities, about strategic changes and the role of supervisory boards in them, as well as about financial stability and what the cost of education should be (spoiler - high).

The second day was memorable with the presentation of research on university management from the Ivanchyk Foundation. Our university will also borrow part of the proposed solutions.

Also, all the people present with a collective mind in the format of a world cafe developed a large number of useful materials on the following topics: the balance between a corporate and self-governing university, the involvement of business in the activities of universities and the influence of business on changes in universities, how universities can build interaction in the business-government-community triangle, the mission and market - how to balance the social function and market logic of universities during war and crisis.

Rector Viktor Moshynskyi, Vice-Rector Andrii Podlevskyi, head of the planning and financial department Mykola Marchuk and head of the public relations department Vitaliy Prokopets took part in the Forum from our university.

We hope that new acquaintances made during the Forum, as well as useful information brought, will give a new impetus to the development of both our university and other universities of the Alliance and Ukraine.

Public Relations Department

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