Town and Gown 2.0 in Rivne

The third final workshop of the Town and Gown 2.0 grant project: the strategic cooperation between the university and the city in V4 and Ukraine took place on October 27-28 in the Open Office of The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering. Theme of the event: "Creative Cluster and Culture Industries: Visegrad Group Experience".

The seminar was held in a mixed format, many participants joined the event through Google Meet, and in the hall, according to quarantine restrictions, there were only people with green COVID-certificates.

On the first day, the speakers were Peter Dubowski and Vendula Gregoroviceva from the University of Thomas Bath, Zlín, Czech Republic, as well as Nikola Tymkovichov and Vendula Dubravska from the Creative Cluster of Zlín. They talked about the cooperation of universities with creative enterprises, the role of clustering in the development of creative entrepreneurship and practical cases of speakers in this field. Also in the afternoon, a meeting between Jaroslav Hormanski (University of Natural Sciences, Warsaw, Poland), Miroslav Haidak (Warsaw City Administration, Poland) and Rivne residents took place in the Rivne City Workshop.

On the second day, the speakers were Anna Vanova and Katarina Vitalisova from Matej Bela University, Slovakia, Irina Ilkova from Jan Evangelista Purkinje University, Czech Republic. Colleagues also spoke about the cooperation between the university and the community, business and government on their own examples. In the afternoon, the Open Office hosted another meeting with Yaroslav and Miroslav, already familiar to us, on the topic of urban spaces, landscaping and the proper use of technology and resources.

Stay tuned for updates to our YouTube channel to see recordings of all the speakers.


Vitaliy Prokopets,
Public Relations Department

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