The Veteran Development Centre at NUWEE

The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering joined the creation of a network of the Veteran Development Centres on the basis of higher education institutions with the support of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine and the Rivne Regional Military Administration. 

On August 14, 2024, the official opening of the Centre took place in the educational building No. 7 of the NUWEE (Rivne, 53 a, Karnaukhova St.). The center will be the fourteenth at higher education institutions in Ukraine.

The Veteran Development Centre of NUWEE was created for war veterans and their family members. Among the planned activities: training in new professional skills and abilities, their restoration or retraining, professional development, provision of high-quality psychological and legal assistance to ensure productive employment and increase professional mobility, etc. 

Work with veterans and their family members has been one of the priority areas of providing educational services at the university for more than ten years. Today, when creating the Centre, the university's own material base was used. In the future, the university plans to expand its cooperation with national and local stakeholders, foreign veteran development centres for the adaptation of war veterans and their family members

The Centre is physically accessible to all population groups. For detailed information, follow updates on our website and social networks. 

Department of Management and Public Administration

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