The final of the acceleration program BGV HARDWARE ACCELERATOR

On July 26, a team of students of the "Agroengineering" specialty and lecturers of the Agricultural Engineering Department presented their developments in the final of the "BGV HARDWARE ACCELERATOR" acceleration program.

The final of the acceleration program "BGV HARDWARE ACCELERATOR" was held at Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, where startups presented the MVP of their developments. It was a great opportunity to see how, after several months of intensive work and mentoring, young Ukrainian engineers created their own innovative products.

BGV HARDWARE ACCELERATOR is an acceleration program from the Zhytomyr Polytechnic with the support of the investment company BGV Group Management and its founder Hennadii Butkevych personally to support technological startups, attract talented engineers and create modern innovative products in Ukraine. The initiative was also supported by the Ukrainian Startup Fund and the open association of players of the technological ecosystem Techosystem.

The team consisting of associate professors of the Agricultural Engineering Department Mykola Holotiuk, Oleh Bundza and Andrii Shymko and students of the specialty "Agroengineering" Bohdan Tymchuk, Sofiia Davydiuk and Vladyslav Sheshukov presented the Mechanical Gardener startup project - the development of a mobile crawler robotic platform for the care of greenhouses.

We are sure that the project will be successful and will be useful for the development of precision farming systems in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.

The NUWEE’s staff of the Agricultural Engineering Department sincerely thanks the management of the State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" for cooperation.

Department of Agricultural Engineering­­

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