Science Through the Eyes of Youth results of the competition

Here comes the exciting moment of announcing the winners of the university competition of scientific papers "Science through the eyes of youth". The competition commissions determined the best works of students, although in some cases it was difficult to do this, given the minimal gap in points, and sometimes a complete match.

In total, 63 paper works from various fields were submitted for participation in the competition. The students of Institute of Economics and Management) (23 works), Institute of Agroecology and Land Management (14 works) and Institute of Mechanical Engineering (12 works) were the most active.

According to the results of the work of the competition commissions of the Educational and Research Institutes, 28 winning works of the competition were determined (order No. 385 dated 05/27/2024 here)

We would like to note that all students who prepared works for participation in the competition were able to demonstrate remarkable results of their scientific research, to prove that they are capable of participating in solving important issues and problems of today.

The winners of the competition will be awarded diplomas, and the rest of the participants will receive certificates.

We sincerely congratulate the prize-winning students! We are proud of you. We wish you success, inspiration, and a creative approach in finding topics and ideas for the next scientific achievements. Reach new heights in learning science!

We express our gratitude to the academic supervisors for the training of students, their support and assistance in realizing their creative scientific potential, and your high professionalism.

 Sector of Scientific Work of Students

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