In accordance with the signed Global Agreement with the United Nations, starting from 2016, every two years NUWEE presents a Social Report to the public. Since then, the university has been building its activities and strategy taking into account the goals of sustainable development on the basis of ten universal principles in the field of human rights, labor protection, environmental protection and the fight against corruption, and informs the public about the changes.
The institution focuses on quality education, decent work and economic growth, innovation and infrastructure, as well as partnership for sustainable development. The strategy in the field of corporate responsibility, the results of the university's activities in implementing the principles of the UN Global Compact for 2020-2021 were presented.
Social responsibility of NUWEE is a system of voluntary obligations and actions of the university aimed at the distribution of available limited resources, which are implemented using a complex of socially significant directions and strategies that take into account the interests and expectations of interested groups (students, employees, local and state authorities, local community, business, etc.), and is aimed at ensuring favorable conditions for study, work, personal growth, as well as long-term sustainable development of the university and society as a whole.
The report, in accordance with the principles of the UN Global Compact, contains standard reporting elements from the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G4) issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
The mission of higher education according to the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2021-2031 is to ensure the sustainable innovative development of Ukraine through the training of highly qualified specialists. And the main goal of the institution's activity is to ensure the conditions necessary for a person to receive higher education taking into account the interests of the individual and the training of specialists for the needs of Ukraine - taking into account the interests of society.
In turn, social responsibility is the safety and health of employees and students, and social non-financial reporting is one of the main sources of information.
NUWEE, as a socially responsible institution, ensures the reproduction of public intelligence through the provision of educational services to society; prepares highly qualified personnel; forms the labor market; development of culture and norms of behavior (code of conduct, logo and corporate style, collective agreement, regulations on remuneration, rewards and bonuses), social relations, etc.
Despite the difficult trials for the country, the institution and ordinary citizens - the Covid-19 pandemic, NUWEE did not stop its activities in 2020-2021, but accepted all challenges with dignity. Classes were held in online, offline and mixed formats, depending on the epidemiological situation. During 2020–2021, various events took place at the NUWEE: festivals, conferences, forums, seminars, round tables, meetings...
Everyone can view the Social Report 2020-2021 in the attached file, and learn more about the academic rating, learn about licensed and accredited educational programs, anti-corruption measures; indicators of admission, independent evaluation in the NUWEE; military department, dual education; Leadership School and Open School University; international mobility; familiarize yourself with the institution's financial indicators; scientific activity; student organizations; sports achievements of students, social and grant projects and events; environmental responsibility of NUWEE; cooperation with state and local authorities, the community, and find a lot of interesting and relevant things here.
Public Relations Department