NUWEE is on 26th place in the international ranking

NUWEE took the 26th place in the international HE Higher Education Ranking, 2024, scoring 7,658 points among 303 institutions of higher education, academies and research educational institutions, research institutes.

The HE Higher Education rating project is a scientific, academic and research project aimed at rating higher education institutions according to a number of criteria and indicators that reflect the effectiveness and contribute to the improvement of the work of the higher education institution.

The activities of higher education institutions are evaluated according to the rating methodology, and the results are published every year in December.

According to the HE Higher Education Ranking methodology, the rating is aimed at increasing the level of work of higher education institutions according to a number of criteria, each of which includes a key performance indicator (KPI) that reflects the overall level of work of higher education institutions.

The rating is an important tool for measuring the level of productivity and progress of higher education institutions around the world based on key performance indicators (KPI), international academic competitiveness in the higher sector, reflects the level and indicators of transparency and academic freedom for higher education institutions, the level of institution management, etc. In addition, it is also a reference tool for determining the level of cultural and social impact of higher educational institutions on local communities, public initiatives, as well as regional and international influence.

In general, the rating covers the areas of higher education management, the impact of the general education process, scientific research, internationalization and relations between the university and society and the labor market.

The HE Higher Education Ranking includes 25 general criteria and standards, as well as 138 performance indicators, each with its own weight and percentage.

Each criterion is followed by several performance indicators, the number, weight and impact of which are proportional to the weight of the overall criterion. Each of the 25 criteria receives its percentage. The total percentage is 100%. Each criterion and performance indicator receives a certain number of points, and the total value of the points received by the higher education institution is also collected.

The criteria and performance indicators used in the rating are characterized by comprehensiveness – comprehensive coverage of all areas and prospects for improvement of higher education institutions; stability; balanced; logic and justice.

Among the criteria, research has the greatest weight - 9%, followed by internationalization - 8%, teaching, student success, teachers and staff, funding and grants, facilities, resources and management, social and cultural impact of the university, quality assurance, accreditation and network , equity, equality and inclusion - 5%, foreign language and linguistic influence, UN SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, labor market, recreation, entertainment, information technology and computing - 4% data management - 3%, reception and enrollment, mass media, academic freedom, support for distance learning, innovation and creativity, sustainable management, academic transparency and a futuristic concept of the university – are rated at 2%.

It is worth noting that each of the criteria includes a number of KRI indicators that allow more accurate and thorough measurement of the criterion as a whole.

According to the results of the rating, NUWEE was awarded a certificate for maintaining a high level of education and research, contribution to the promotion of knowledge and innovation.

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