NUWEE is in 18th place in the ranking of SCImago institutions

In the international rating of research institutions, compiled by SCImago, NUWEE took 18th place out of 49 Ukrainian universities and scored 7,296 points. Specifically, the overall percentile is 64, the research percentile is 43, the innovation percentile is 84, and the social percentile is 54.

The data provides a quick read of scientific performance over recent years. Research rating refers to the volume, impact and quality of an institution's research results. The innovation rating is calculated based on an institution's number of patent applications and citations received from its patent research results. Social ranking is based on the number of pages on the institution's website and the number of backlinks and mentions from social networks.

A graphical and spatial representation of the scores obtained by the university during the assessment performed by SCImago can be viewed here.

By the way, SCImago Institutions Rankings has been publishing its international ranking of research institutions around the world since 2009. This global report is the work of a research organization in Spain - SCImago Research Group, consisting of members of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the University of Granada, the University of Madrid Charles III, the University of Alcalá, the University of Extremadura and other educational institutions in Spain.

The SCImago Institutions ranking is divided into five sectors: government, healthcare, higher education, private and other.

The SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is a classification of academic and research institutions ranked by a complex indicator that combines three different sets of indicators based on research performance, innovation output and societal impact as measured by their online visibility.

It provides an interface that allows you to visualize any customized ranking based on a combination of these three sets of indicators. In addition, it is possible to compare trends for individual indicators of up to six institutions. For each major sector, you can also get distribution charts of various indicators.

For comparison purposes, the value of the composite indicator has been set on a scale from 0 to 100. The calculation is generated each year based on the results obtained during a five-year period that ends two years before the publication of the rating.

The factor and weight of the indicator are as follows: research (50%) normalized impact (NI) 13%, excellence with leadership (EwL) 8%, output (O) 8%, scientific leadership (L) 5%, non-own journals (NotOJ) 3 %, Own Journals (OJ) 3%, Distinction (Excellent) 2%, High Quality Publications (Q1) 2%, International Collaboration (IC) 2%, Open Access (OA) 2%, Scientific Talent Pool (STP) 2%, innovation (30%) innovative knowledge (IK) 10%, patents (PT) 10%, technological impact (TI) 10%, social (20%) altmetrics (AM) 3%, website size (WS) 3%, authority score (AScore) 3%, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5%, Feminist Science Talent Fund (FemSTP) 3%, Public Policy Influence - Overton (OB) 3%.

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