Dear colleagues, teachers, students and employees!

Accept my sincerest congratulations on the New Year 2022 and Merry Christmas! On the eve of the New Year holidays, I am sincerely grateful to all the staff of NUWEE for significant scientific achievements, understanding, support and desire to develop our University. Thanks to the coordinated work as a single team, dedicated work and initiative of everyone, we are able to maintain and increase our position in the educational space of Ukraine.

Every year our university confidently rises up the ladder in all rankings, and in the ranking of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine we are on the 16th place in Ukraine in terms of complex performance indicators, the number of citations of teachers in foreign publications and scientific and metric databases is increasing, the Gorsha index grows, and also the numbers of orders of research works. NUWEE is an active participant in grant projects, innovation activities, cooperation with foreign institutions and companies.

We are a modern and trendy, open and transparent Center for Higher Education in the Western region of Ukraine; educational and scientific complex with over 100 years of history; space for interaction of students, teachers, business and government; center of formal and non-formal forms of education.

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, it is customary to make wishes and believe that they will come true.

May the coming year live up to all your hopes and expectations, bring peace and prosperity and well-being.

I wish everyone good health, inexhaustible energy, optimism, commitment to fate, support from colleagues and relatives. Thank you for your fruitful cooperation. Wish you good luck and achievements in the New Year!

Viktor Moshynskyi






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