106 years of history

Dear colleagues, students! I sincerely congratulate you on the 106th anniversary of the founding of our university.

NUWEE is a unique institution of higher education not only because it is the leading institution of water management in Ukraine, but also because most of us have obtained and continue to obtain higher education here. He really became our family during this long period of time.

The university is an integral part of Rivne's life, one of the largest employers and taxpayers in the city. NUWEE is a significant executor of the market order for training in almost fifty specialties. The University actively participates in projects, grants, events on the basis of mutually beneficial partnership with the state, public, business and society.

The list of innovations introduced by the university staff during my term is quite wide: electronic document management, Educational and scientific center for independent assessment, Repository, application "My NUWEE", anti-plagiarism system UNICHECK, WIKI University, Moodle learning platform and much more. I would also like to mention the School of Engineering, non-formal and informal education, selectivity of disciplines. However, I consider our greatest achievement to be a strong scientific and pedagogical team. After all, we carry out all these reforms and innovations together with you!

In its 106th year, NUWEE is not just keeping up with the times, but also ahead of it.

 Viktor Moshynskyi

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