In the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (NUWEE) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" from 01.07.2014 № 1556-VII (Article 16. Quality Assurance System of Higher Education), Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 30.12.2015 "On approval of License Terms conducting educational activities of educational institutions ”, the Charter of the University actively implements the system of internal quality assurance of higher education (SIQAHE).

The implementation of SIQAHE primarily involves the implementation of the principles of student-centered learning in NUWEE, the main elements of which are the development of mechanisms and procedures for support (information, methodological, organizational, etc.) of higher education.

To create and implement mechanisms to support and support applicants for higher education in NUWEE SIQAHE provides for the following tasks:

- providing opportunities for additional training, promoting academic mobility, supporting foreign students, etc .;
- providing organizational and advisory support in order to implement the individual educational trajectory;
- informing applicants for higher education about opportunities for international exchange, opportunities to receive scholarships or internships and other opportunities;
- supporting students in employment and promoting a career start;
- opportunity for comprehensive physical and personal development of higher education;
- sufficient and high-quality provision of physical resources (library, educational equipment, IT infrastructure);
- constant informing of higher education seekers about available resources, relevant services;
- possibility of access for higher education students to access the latest, including English-language publications relevant to the content of the program.

NUWEE students are full participants in the educational process and have the right to supplement their main specialty with separate disciplines to increase their erudition by freely choosing disciplines through the MOODLE educational platform ( = 58).

The organization of academic mobility programs for students and teachers in accordance with the agreements on cooperation between the University and foreign partners is carried out by the NUWEE Center for International Cooperation and Education ( In order to cooperate, search for ideas and mechanisms of local change, for the global development of the higher education system in Ukraine, NUWEE students have the opportunity to go to one of the nine best universities in Ukraine under the program "Platskart" ( university / ads / nov201902281648).

NUWEE applicants for higher education have their own corporate e-mail , access to the electronic schedule (, and also have the opportunity at any time to review their grades in the journal student performance (

The Scientific Library of NUWEE provides access to documents, information, knowledge for the effective development of educational and scientific activities on the basis of full satisfaction of information needs of students on the basis of the latest information technologies ( On the library's website, higher education students have the opportunity to use the electronic catalog and index of periodicals, view new arrivals and virtual exhibitions. Students can find detailed information about the university not only on the official website of NUWEE, but also in the electronic application to Wikipedia - Wikisity ( A digital repository has been created for the accumulation, systematization and electronic storage of intellectual products of the university community, providing open access to them by means of Internet technologies, dissemination of these materials among the world scientific and educational society ( information.html).

n order to effectively employ NUWEE graduates, ensuring direct contacts of employers with students and graduates of the Department of Employment and Career Guidance created "School of Job Search" (, where you can learn the rules of resume, post your resume and view vacancies.

To solve technical problems related to the university's interactive resources, students can contact the Unified Service for the Provision of Information Services ( Helpdesk (Technical support, Service support) is a service structure that divides users' problems by areas and types. An important functional component of ITIL (library of information technology infrastructure), which allows you to identify problem areas of IT infrastructure, to assess the effectiveness of the IT department.

The mobile application "My NUWEE" is popular among university graduates. The schedule in the information and navigation application is updated automatically, as well as stored on the device and available without the Internet. In the application, students can find detailed information about the lesson, location, teacher and quickly write down tasks. In the personal account of the student all information on his current progress, semester points and statistics of estimations, his personal data is available.

NUWEE students have the opportunity to attend language courses, study at the School of Journalism, participate in music festivals, beauty contests and volunteer.

The university regularly monitors the level of student satisfaction with various support mechanisms provided by the institution of higher education.

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