International scientific-practical conference "Vin Smart Eco"

What will take place on May 20-21, 2021 in the online format of KZVO "Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education" invites scientists, educators, public figures, environmental inspectors, departments, experts in the field of environmental safety, students, graduate students to participate in the II International Research practical conference "Vin Smart Eco"

  Scientific directions of the conference:

1. Socio-economic problems of sustainable development. Sustainable development goals. Development and implementation of ecological innovations in the system of sustainable development. Regional environmental policy. Strategic environmental policy. Ecological tourism in the context of sustainable development.

2. Theoretical and methodological principles of solving environmental problems. Problems and prospects of cross-border cooperation in solving environmental problems.

3. Problems of conservation of biotic and landscape diversity. Protected area. Formation and implementation of Ecological and Emerald networks. Balanced nature management.

4. Natural and anthropogenic changes of environmental components: subsoil, soil cover, surface and groundwater, atmospheric air, biota. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Monitoring of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems. Modeling and forecasting of the state of the environment. Geographic information systems and technologies. Environmental audit, marketing, management. System analysis and risk assessment.

5. Development of modern ecological technologies and engineering means of environmental protection. Innovative environmental technologies. Technologies to increase soil fertility, efficiency of water, energy, materials, raw materials. Organic farming and organic products. Ecological security of Ukraine for situations of natural, technogenic, socio-political and military nature and risk forecasting in the context of sustainable development.

6. Environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology. Human ecology and ecotrophology. Ecology of the urban environment.

7. Processing and utilization of industrial and household waste. Modern eco-technologies of water purification and water treatment. Integrated water resources management. Alternative (renewable) energy sources and environmentally friendly transport.

8. Socio-ecological, ecological-ethical and psychological-pedagogical problems in ecological education, culture and education for sustainable development. Legal aspects of nature management.

9. Partnership of education, science, business, public organizations and state institutions in solving regional environmental problems.

 Working languages ​​of the conference - Ukrainian, English, Polish.

To participate in the conference, it is necessary to send an application and abstracts to the e-mail address of the organizing committee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by May 16, 2021 (volume of materials - 2-4 full pages of A5 format, orientation - book).

You can read more about the requirements for registration of materials and conditions of participation in the conference from the attached information letter.

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