The international activities of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (NUWEE) are carried out in accordance with the adopted Internationalization Strategy of the University for the period until 2025.
The international activity of NUWEE covers the following main directions:
  • membership in international scientific organizations;
  • cooperation with foreign universities and companies;
  • visits of delegations of foreign countries and organizations;
  • business trips abroad of participants in the educational process;
  • training of specialists for foreign countries;
  • grant activity.
The Center for International Cooperation and Education of the NUWEE carries out general coordination and organizational support of work in the above-mentioned main areas of international activity of the university.

The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering  maintains business relations with higher educational institutions and institutions of the countries of Western and Central Europe, Asia, and the USA.

In the framework of international activities, the University cooperates with:
- with scientific and educational organizations;
- with companies recruiting foreign citizens for training;
- with foreign universities.
During 2014–2020, NUWEE became a member of the International Water Association, the Global Water Partnership, the Magna Charta Universitatum, the UN Global Initiative, the Polish-Ukrainian business club, European organization PADOR, International cluster "Europe in the East: Economy - Science - Medicine".

During 2014-2020, NUWEE concluded 93 agreements on long-term international cooperation with educational, research and commercial institutions abroad: Poland, Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Norway, the USA, the Kingdom of Morocco, Bulgaria, Turkey, Tajikistan, Georgia, Moldova , China and Pakistan. In general, as of January 1, 2020, the university carries out international activities within the framework of about 121 agreements.

In addition, cooperation between NUWEE and YUYUE Home Textile Co. LLC has been established. Ltd" (PRC), CHANDWIN PROJECT PTE Group of Companies. Ltd (Singapore), the company "Ukrainian-Chinese Center for the Development of Culture and Education", the company AICE HYDRO AS (Norway), the Foundation "Institute for the Development of International Cooperation" (Poland), the Geoconsulting firm MGGP (Poland), Engineering LLC "REWINKEL&WOENER" (Germany ).

Established cooperation with private enterprises "Staffgate" (Finland) and "StaffoRent" LTD (Bulgaria).
Four long-term volunteers were involved in the teaching of foreign languages and the organization of professional trainings on the basis of the NUWEE.
Background information about the project:
The name of the project: "Increasing opportunities for development in the field of anti-crisis management in the border areas."
Grant program: Polish aid for development purposes with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
Coordinator: John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland).
Time of project implementation: 2021-2022

                    Activities that took place within the scope of the project

  • a round table on the topic of anti-crisis management in Tomaszów Lubelski (Lublin Voivodeship, Poland);
  • expert panel "Cooperation of services, inspections, institutions in anti-crisis management in border areas";
  • international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Theoretical and methodological support of anti-crisis management processes in border regions";
  • preparation and publication of the monograph "Theoretical, methodological and practical support of anti-crisis management and border territories".
    • 2 cycles of certified training of critical infrastructure specialists of Ukraine on the development of interpersonal and social competences were implemented (40 people completed the certified trainings). The purpose of the training was to strengthen the skills related to the effectiveness of the work of people representing bodies and institutions engaged in crisis management in the cross-border sphere, where concentration, quick decision-making, overcoming stress are of crucial importance;
    • 4 expertises were prepared by Polish specialists for the needs of local self-government bodies in Ukraine (in particular: Civilizational and environmental prospects of Ukraine in the light of Russia's military aggression and Prospects of the integrated water security system of Ukraine in the conditions of Russia's military aggression);
    • a short glossary of terms in the field of security has been prepared by Polish experts;
    • postgraduate education in the field of security and anti-crisis management (20 students. The participants of the postgraduate education program were representatives of local self-government bodies, border and customs services, employees of migration services, heads of OTG of Rivne, Volyn and Lviv regions).

    Main tasks that were solved within the scope of the project implementation:
  • Analysis of the actual state of anti-crisis management in Ukraine in the context of border areas. Studying the experience of Poland and the EU.
  • Exchange of experience of various institutions involved in the process of anti-crisis management in cross-border territories. The purpose of such activities is to support and strengthen the cooperation of state and international institutions belonging to the field of anti-crisis management.
    Theoretical knowledge and methods of activity in the subject area to support the development of the system and work model in practice.
    Analysis of challenges and opportunities of Ukraine in the field of anti-crisis management in the border territories.
    Increasing the effectiveness of crisis management institutions, including through psychological training.

The organization of remote recruitment of foreign citizens for higher education in 2024:

Entrepreneurial activity




Individual entrepreneur



Ependa Waependa Rodrick


Educational institution or its units with which a cooperation agreement has been signed
Website of the partner university

Main direction of cooperation


Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego i sportu Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational and cultural cooperation.
Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational and cultural cooperation.
Building company «OLFI» Kołobrzeg Cooperation in scientific and research, production spheres, dissemination of modern construction technologies, preparation of joint publications, passing of practice by students of NUWEE.
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Scientific and research cooperation.
Wyższa Szkoła Edukacja w Sporcie Mutual recognition of diplomas.
Warsaw University of life sciences Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational and cultural cooperation. Implementation of joint research projects, joint publication of scientific works.

School of Socio-Economics in Sroda Wielkopolska Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational and cultural cooperation.
Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno – Przyrodnicza im. Wincenta Pola w Lublinie Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational and cultural cooperation.
Higher School of Economics and Innovation in Lublin Education and scientific activity.

Akademia Nauk Stosowanych WSGE im. A. De Gasperi University in Józefów Strengthening and development of scientific contacts based on the principles of partnership and mutual benefit (conducting joint research, exchange of researchers for the purpose of conducting research and training in graduate school, cooperation for the purpose of student training).
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Umiejętności w Łodzi (WSInf) Scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.
The University of Occupational Safety Management in Katowice (WSZOP) Scientific, educational and cultural cooperation.
Towarzystwo dla Natury i Człowieka z Lublina Scientific, educational and cultural cooperation.
Geo consulting firm MGGP Increasing the level of professional training of future specialists in geodesy, cartography, cadastre, water management with the aim of acquiring professional skills, studying and mastering the latest technologies.
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Elblągu

Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie

Cooperation in educational and scientific activities with the aim of increasing the level of teaching, development of scientific research, exchange of achievements.
Rzeszow University of Technology Cooperation in scientific, educational and teaching areas.
University of Rzeszow Cooperation in scientific, educational and teaching areas.
The Urban Economy Committee of the National Economic Chamber in Warsaw Cooperation in the field of economic development, training of specialists, experts.
Consortium of initiators of the "Europe in the East" cluster  Provision of educational services, participation in grant programs of the Cluster.
Krakowska Akademia im.Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego Conducting joint scientific research, exchange of teachers, students and educational programs.
Lublin University of Technology (LUT) Studying under the joint programs of both higher education institutions for graduates of Ukrainian secondary schools, as well as studying under the master's programs of Ukrainian undergraduate students with the issuance of diplomas of the state model of Ukraine and Poland.
"LOGOS" network of schools (Piotrków Trybunalski) Scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.
Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka – Edukacja – Rozwój (MII)  Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational and cultural cooperation. Implementation of joint research projects, joint publication of scientific works.

Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie Exchange of experience in the field of scientific research and training of specialists.
Polish Association of Sports for All Scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.

Opole University of Technology Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational and cultural cooperation. Implementation of joint research projects, joint publication of scientific works.
Polish-Ukrainian business club  Implementation of joint research projects.
Prywatna Wyższa Szkoła Ochrony Środowiska

Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational and cultural cooperation. Implementation of joint research projects, joint publication of scientific works.
Kielce University of Technology Joint research, joint Master's degree studies, academic exchange of students and teachers.
Agricultural University named after Hugo Kollataj in Krakow Educational and scientific cooperation. Exchange of achievements, academic mobility of students and teachers.

Public Academy of Sciences in Łódź Scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.
University of Economics in Bydgoszcz Scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.
University named after Casimir the Great in Bydgoszcz Scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.

University named after M. Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational and cultural cooperation. Implementation of joint research projects, joint publication of scientific works.
University of Social and Natural Sciences named after Vincent Paul Scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.
University named after Pope John Paul II in Byala Podlaska Scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.

University named after Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski in Warsaw Implementation of joint research projects, joint publication of scientific works.
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach. Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational and cultural cooperation.

Śląską Wyższą Szkołę Zarządzania im. gen. Jerzego Ziętka (SWSZ) Exchange of teachers, academic exchange of students and double degree.
Scientific Society of Sports Law   Conducting joint scientific research, exchange of scientists and students, conducting internships abroad.

Wyższa Szkoła Uni-Terra w Poznaniu Academic cooperation, exchange of teachers and students, joint scientific activities and research.
Wroclaw University Of Science And Technology Exchange of teachers and students, cooperation in science and research.
Educational institution of the future "EduLab" (Warsaw) Implementation of training courses within the framework of the "EduLab" project.

Uniwersytet Pomorski w Słupsku Research cooperation and academic exchange of students and teachers.
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich Exchange of teachers and students, cooperation in science and research.
Institute for the Development of International Cooperation (Poznan)   Joint scientific activities, short-term internship.
Polish Foundation "Institute of International Academic and Scientific Cooperation"

Joint scientific and technical research, academic exchanges.

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II  Agreement on intentions to implement grant projects.


Higher school of democracy named after POPIEŁUSZKO

Joint scientific and technical research, academic exchanges, scientific grants.

I Lyceum named after 

Bolesław III Krzywousty 

  Implementation of the grant project "From the Dnieper to the Ones We Swim and Save", Polish-Ukrainian Youth Exchange Council.

Uniwersytet Jagielloński Participation in academic exchange programs for the purpose of teaching.

University of Applied Sciences in Nysa Academic exchange of teachers and students, joint scientific research, grant programs, "Guest lecturers" program.

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Implementation of the international grant project "Increasing development opportunities in the field of anti-crisis management and border areas".
Newcastle University Conducting joint scientific and research works, academic exchange of students and teachers, joint scientific projects and publications, double degree programs, English language courses, joint scientific and cultural events.


Kazakh State Agrotechnical University Cooperation in the field of education, science, international cooperation.
Kazakh Engineering and Technical Academy Scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.
Kazakh National Agrarian University Development and expansion of educational-methodical, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation.
Karaganda State Industrial University Development and expansion of scientific and technical cooperation.

South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov Development and expansion of educational-methodical, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation.

M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University Development of academic exchanges and cooperation in the field of education and research; development of doctoral and master's programs.
D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University  Conducting joint scientific events, joint PhD programs, academic exchanges of students and teachers.


TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN (TU BERLIN) Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.
Institute of Water Management, Water Construction and Ecology Academic exchanges, methodological and scientific cooperation, cultural exchanges.
Інженерне ТОВ «REWINKEL&WOESNER» Educational and scientific cooperation, exchange of achievements.
Company Allbau Software GmbH Familiarization and mastering of the Allplan automated design system.

Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Weihenstephan-Triesdorf Strengthening cooperation in the field of academic education and applied research. Scientific cooperation. Exchange of teachers and students.
Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (FVB-IGB) Improving the educational process, improving the qualifications of teachers, participating in academic exchange programs for the purpose of teaching.


Azerbaijan State University of Economics Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.

Azerbaijan Technical University Development and expansion of educational-methodical, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation.

Baku State University Conducting international research and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, workshops, trainings with the participation of teachers and students; joint development and implementation of research projects, scientific-methodical and educational programs; exchange of teachers, young scientists and workers for research work; exchange of students, organization of internships for specialists, young scientists and graduate students.

Baku Slavic University Exchange of study plans of specialties, work programs, methodical developments; exchange of teachers to deliver lecture courses; internship of teachers on mutual exchange; training of specialists in certain specialties; involvement of teachers in the work of state examination commissions for the defense of diploma projects and master's theses.

Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

Joint scientific and technical research, academic exchanges, scientific grants


Fort Hays State University Scientific, educational and cultural cooperation.
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Scientific and research cooperation
University of Alaska Fairbanks Exchange of teachers and scientific personnel, cooperation in the field of research and training; practical training, exchange of administrative personnel with the aim of encouraging mutual interests and professional development; organization of conferences, seminars, workshops and events.

University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Exchange of teachers and students. Cooperation in the field of joint research programs.


Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas Educational-methodical, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation.
Lithuanian Agricultural University Educational-methodical, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation.


Mining-metallurgical Institute of Tajikistan Development and expansion of educational-methodical, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation.

Dangarinskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet  Educational, scientific and methodical cooperation. Implementation of joint research projects, implementation of dual training.
Kulyab State University named after A. Rudaki Educational, scientific and methodical cooperation. Implementation of joint research projects, implementation of dual training.
TAJIK AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY NAMED SHIRINSHO SHOTEMUR Educational, scientific and methodical cooperation. Implementation of joint research projects, implementation of dual training.
Tajik State University of Commerce Educational, scientific and methodical cooperation. Implementation of joint research projects, implementation of dual training.
Technological University Studying under the joint programs of both higher education institutions for graduates of Tajik secondary schools, as well as studying under the master's programs of Tajik undergraduate students with the issuance of diplomas of the state model of Ukraine and Tajikistan.


Kavram Vocational College Study of mobility and exchanges of students and staff, study of jointly accredited educational programs for students.
University named after Namika Kemal Scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.
Eastern Mediterranean University Exchange of teachers and students, scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.
Beykoz University (Istanbul) Educational, scientific and methodical cooperation. Implementation of joint research projects, implementation of dual training.


University of Annaba Participation in joint economic, scientific and educational programs in Algeria.
Higher National School of Hydraulics, Blida Scientific, technical and pedagogical cooperation in the fields of water management and the environment.


International Balkan University www.balkanuniversity.bu
Joint development of fruitful cooperation in the field of higher education, second higher education, professional training, mobility and intercultural exchange. Directions for the development of cooperation: study of mobility and exchanges of students and employees; development of information and educational technologies to ensure electronic learning; study of jointly accredited educational programs for students.
Technical University of Varna Conducting joint research works, academic exchange of students and teachers, joint scientific projects and publications, double degree programs.


Georgian Technical University Development and expansion of educational-methodical, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation.

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Memorandum of understanding.
David Aghmashenebeli University Of Georgia Academic exchanges, methodical and scientific cooperation.


University of Nyíregyháza Memorandum of understanding.
University of Applied Sciences named after Yanosh Kodolani Development of fruitful cooperation in the field of higher education, second higher education, professional training, mobility and intercultural exchange.


University Center
Ariel in Samaria Academic exchanges, methodical and scientific cooperation.
University of Haifa Academic exchange of teachers and students, PhD programs, joint scientific research, grant programs.


Beijing Center for International Cultural Exchange East-Kaven   Academic and cultural exchanges, scientific cooperation.

Tianjin Agricultural University
  Academic cooperation in the fields of: water engineering, IT technologies, construction, energy, management and ecology; academic exchanges of students and teachers; joint training in related specialties.
North China University of Water Resources and Power Engineering

Academic exchange of scientists and students; conducting lectures by teachers of both higher education institutions within the framework of mobility; conducting joint research.

Ukrainian-Chinese Center for Scientific and Cultural Exchange

Conducting joint scientific research and applied works; implementation of joint educational programs;

Exchange of scientific and educational and methodical materials.

Henan Polytechnic

Academic exchange of scientists and students; conducting lectures by teachers of both higher education institutions within the framework of mobility; conducting joint scientific research.

Henan Classical University 

Academic exchange of scientists and students; conducting lectures by teachers of both higher education institutions within the framework of mobility; conducting joint research.


"Accounting and Finance College" LLC (Riga) Educational, scientific and methodical cooperation during the training of specialists in economic specialties.

Riga Technical University

Conducting research within the framework of academic mobility.


Moldovan Economic Academy Development and expansion of educational-methodical, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation.
Technical University of Moldova Joint research projects, academic exchanges between students and teachers, organization of student internships.
State Agrarian University of Moldova (Chisinau) Academic exchange of teachers and students, participation in the Erasmus+ program, PhD programs, double degree programs, joint scientific research, grant programs.


Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Os) Joint scientific projects, academic exchange of students and teachers.
Norwegian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce Scientific cooperation.


Ibn Zohr University in
Agadir city Academic exchange, cooperation in the field of professional and technical, higher education and conducting scientific experiments.


European Institute of Postgraduate Education Development and expansion of educational-methodical, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation.
Central European University in Skalitzа Development of cooperation in the field of science and education, training of specialists.
Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra Academic exchange, cooperation in the field of professional and technical, higher education and conducting scientific experiments.
East European Development Agency   Joint scientific projects, academic exchange of students and teachers.
Merkur Academy of Professional Education   Academic exchange of students, training programs and internships, professional internships, scientific cooperation, double diplomas at the master's degree.

Mondo international compamy

Joint scientific and technical research, academic exchanges, scientific grants. Joint scientific and research works. Exchange of specialists for the purpose of studying the education system. Exchange of scientific literature. Conducting internships, workshops, seminars on the bases of Institutions of higher education of partners. Academic exchange of students and teachers. Publication of joint scientific and scientific-methodical materials.

Bratislava University of Economics and Management

Conducting joint scientific and research works, academic exchange, joint projects, programs.


Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Reclamation Cooperation in the field of professional and technical, higher education and conducting scientific experiments.
Bukhara branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers Improving the educational process, improving the qualifications of teachers, conducting joint scientific and research works, academic exchange.


Federation "Exchange France-Ukraine" Organization of cognitive and educational internship of students and teachers in the field of water management.
National University of Chemistry (René) Academic exchange of students and teachers.


Technical University in Brno Joint participation in Horizon 2020, Visegrad Four projects, academic exchanges, joint double diplomas.

Moravian University of Business

Exchange of teachers and students. Scientific, industrial, educational and cultural cooperation. Implementation of joint research projects.

Technical University in Ostrava

Joint scientific and technical research, academic exchanges, scientific grants.

Czech Technical University in Prague

Scientific, industrial, educational cooperation.


Superior University Joint scientific projects, academic exchanges.
Fondazione Romualdo
del Bianko-Life Beyound Tourism Cooperation in the field of architecture, preservation of cultural heritage, joint participation in programs.

University of Petrosani

Joint scientific and technical research, academic exchanges, scientific grants.
University of Tampere  

Interinstitutional Agreement Erasmus KA 1 KA 1 2021-2027. Academic exchange of students, participation in the Erasmus+ program, PhD programs, joint scientific research, grant programs.

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